Singapore Public Holidays 2014

The dates for the  gazetted Singapore Public Holidays for 2014 are as follows:
singapore public holiday 2014
* As Hari Raya Haji falls on Sunday 5 October 2014, the next day, Monday 6 October 2014, will be a public holiday.** Tentatively, Deepavali will fall on 23 October in 2014. This date will need to be reconfirmed against the Hindu Almanac when it is available. Should there be a change in the date, the Ministry of Manpower will issue a media release to announce the change accordingly.

Payment for work done on a public holiday

The Ministry would like to remind all employers that under the Employment Act, an employee who is required to work on a public holiday is entitled to an extra day’s salary at the basic rate of pay, in addition to the gross rate of pay for that holiday. The employer and employee may mutually agree to substitute a public holiday for any other day.

For more information on the Public Holiday provisions under the Employment Act, click here.

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